Hello everyone,
@Mejson added plan of Reduce 3 Scene 8 (Reduce 3 - Scene 8 (Planning/Draft) - by Mejson (newgrounds.com))
There is interesting discussion about this scene. If you want to join the party we will be more than happy. For active commentators wait place in Reduce saga next to:
@Mejson for Mejson
@Mariogd for Mariogd
@SayMeBott for Bott*
@Mazurek for Mazurek
@rashty92 for Rash
@zipsquad for Zip
@Cyberdevil for Cyber
@ChordC for Mr. Mate
@Animetion24 for Delsin
@Observador for God-DL
@crazy27 for Conrad
@denis29 for Keni
As you see our small community is quite big!
Regards and hope see you on @Mejson board!
Promoting the series on dual profiles regularly now hmm. :) Nice.
Yes I decided to step in and help a little my brother!